How to start building website using PHP?

How to start building website using PHP? 

These all requirements to start build website using PHP : 
- Install apache server, it could be installed from xampp or manual software.
- Install php and make configuration with apache server.
- Test it using command phpinfo.php on browser.
- Connected it with database mysql
- Install phpmyadmin as interface / Graphic user interface (GUI) to connect on mysql server.

How to install apache server on windows? 
Usually to install apache many people used xampp or other software platform, but in this article you install will install apache through manual software, the pros installing apache manually we can install php and phpmyadmin version according our necessity.

On XAMPP those are bundled and you cannot change the version both of php and phpmyadmin. If you are windows user, you can download apache server here : apachelounge otherwise if you are linux you can download to

Note : We used apache 2.4.7 VC15 64 bit because that version had compatible with our windows pc. After you download it open and extract it on folder or directory C: (this actually depend on you) but to avoid confusing due to different folder of apache and php better we install it on drive C: , see image below :

After extraction open command prompt and then run it as administrator. if you put it on C: (this according on your location) just type: cd Apache24\bin\ and then type httpd.exe -k install like this :

After successful installed it, type on command promp : C:\Apache24\bin>httpd.exe -k start

Finally, then open your browser and type on url address bar localhost or :

To make easy to start or shutdown your apache server, you can make shortcut to apache monitor, by open your apache24 folder and then go to folder bin and then make the ApacheMonitor.exe as shortcut.

Open apache monitor's shortcut see on right corner icon

click on it and then click start.

If you want to uninstall apache24 the way is same with when you installing it.

That's it! congratulation you had successful to install apache server in windows without XAMPP. On next article we will install php on apache server with configuration.


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