Installation and configure phpmyadmin

Installation and configure phpmyadmin on apache server.

On this documentation we use phpMyAdmin- you can download it here :

After download you need to extract it on folder htdocs on apache server rename it into phpmyadmin and then open your browser and type : sure if your mysql server is running.

This is the image when you open it on browser:

Before use it, you need to configuring some config to avoid error, open your phpmyadmin folder and then find a file :, rename it into

Fill your settings according on this table :

$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'abcdefg' // fill this by yourself.

Find User used to manipulate with storage and then set like this :

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] = 'your_apache_username'; // fill by your apache username
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = 'your_mysql_password'; // fill by your mysql password

Next, create folder tmp inside phpmyadmin folder and then create both of folder upload and save inside tmp,
and then find : Directories for saving/loading files from server

Fill this settings like this :

Now you can try to create table and delete table on your mysql database.

To create database table, you should  fill your table's name and then fill how many columns as your need, and then click Go :

Fill the columns, then click save:

To insert database just click insert and then fill your data and click Go:
Note : if your primary ID (id) set as AUTO INCREMENT, Just leave it blank.

Note : let ignore be checked if you don't want to fill next column.

Here's the result :

If you want to delete just click on delete to delete data, to drop / remove database first click on Server:localhost :

And click databases then just check which database you want to delete / drop and then click drop on right corner bottom.

That's it, if you find a problem to drop database like message can't rmdir your database, go to this article to solve your problem.

On the next documentation I will make documentation how to implementation php to insert into database using PHP form.


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